A nebuliser pushes compressed air through liquid medication

What does it do?A nebuliser pushes compressed air through liquid medication, which makes it a mist..When it comes to using medical equipment you need to ensure that you keep an eye on the way that it is maintained and as soon as you think that something is not working at the optimum level you need to get it seen to.5ml dose, a service is advised.Asthma treatment with nebulisersAn asthma nebuliser changes asthma medication from a liquid to a mist, so that it can be more easily inhaled into the lungs. A standard dose of medication takes 5-10 minutes to be inhaled. In some cases, oxygen is used in the nebuliser, but only if the person's oxygen levels are low.

Even if you do maintain your nebuliser properly you may still need to have a replacement mouthpiece or other part replaced.Maintaining a nebuliserThere are a range of different machines available, and the one you choose must be suitable for your needs. Some plug into the car cigarette lighter and others have a built-in battery, but most plug into a power outlet.A yearly service is usually recommended.Home nebuliser therapy is particularly effective in delivering asthma medication to infants and small children and to anyone who is unable to use asthma inhalers with spacers. This is then inhaled through either a face mask or a mouthpiece. There are also ultrasonic nebulisers which tend to be smaller, lighter and more portable than others, but these are usually more expensive. Many of these companies will allow you to place a small order and a lot of them operate on the internet, making it easy for you to find the parts you require.A service agent can check that the compressor is producing the correct flow and pressure, and check on the electrical safety of the nebuliser. If the nebuliser is used every day you will need more frequent flow and pressure checks. For example, no matter how much care you take with a nebuliser you will find that you may need a replacement mouthpiece or a replacement child mask eventually.Other equipment will also need to have various things replaced or repaired in order to keep on functioning well and that is why you will find that there are many companies which specialise in providing replacement parts such as replacement diodes, replacement electric pads, replacement filter cartridge and replacement bulb for Infrared heat lamps. Several different types of medication can be taken through a nebuliser, including relievers and preventers.

How do I use a home asthma nebuliser?To use an asthma nebuliser, you will need the following supplies: Air compressor Nebuliser cup Mask or mouthpiece Medication (either unit dose vials or bottles with measuring devices) Compressor tubingPeople who are purchasing nebulisers on their Rubber Cutting Machine doctor's recommendation need to know: Where replacement tubing, nebuliser bowls, facemasks/mouthpieces can be obtained from Where and how often the nebuliser should be serviced.